

Early Homecomings

First Homecoming Queen

Loretta Watchman, 1959

Drum Major: Jimmy Clark


WRHS Marching Band


1960: Junior Float, "Cook Em"
Presbyterian Church in background

1962, Freshman Float, Class of 65
Eileen Kyselka, Attendant


1961, Homecoming

1961, Freshman Float Attendant, Eileen Kyselka

1962, 3rd Place, "Can the Cats", Class of 65

1962, Queen Carole Schubert
Attendants: Anna Mae Begay & Dorothy Minier


                                            1962, Float Attendant: Anna Mae Begay, Class of 64

1962, 2nd Place," Wash Out the Wildcats", Class of 63


National Thespian Float 1964
Eileen Kyselka, Eldon McCabe
Driving: Ron Landbloom & his DKW Jr

                                                       1963, WRHS Marching Band


                                                 1963, Pompon Girls

                                                          1964, Columbia Blues

National Thespian Society Float
Eileen Kyselka & Eldon McCabe

1960's Chevrolet Hearse
Services for Mingus- 7:30pm
Minister Murphy Fair
Mingus 7, WRHS 6

Freshman Float


1963 Queen: Cheryl Rodriguez
Attendants: Anna Mae Begay & Ernestine Tsosie

                                                  1963 Queen Cheryl Rodriguez
                                                 Attendants: Anna Mae Begay & Ernestine Tsosie

"The Scouts Buried the Panthers", Class of 64
Senior Float, 1963, 2nd Place

National Thespian Society Float Attendants
Charlotte Goodluck, Bunkie Whitten, Judy Kilgore

                                                            Helen Gatewood '64; Victoria Robbins '64; Martha Hoskie;
                                                         Ella Mae Owens '66; Alta Smith; Beatrice Begay and Pauline Jumbo

National Thespian Society, 1964, "Fishin' For a Victory"


1964, National Thespian Society
Bunkie Whitten, Charlotte Goodluck, Judy Kilgore

1964, 3rd Place, "Cage the Cats", Class of 65


1964, 3rd Place, "Cage the Cats", Class of 65


                                        1964, Homecoming Royalty
                                       Junior Attendant -Roberta Arviso, Queen: - Diane Rudeau, Senior Attendant - Janice Bergeson

Friday Night Homecoming Bonfire - Varsity Cheerleaders
Nancy Martin, Georgia Ashley
Janice Bergeson, Lydia Hubbard

1964, Boosters Club Float


                                                             Homecoming 1964 Booster Club Float


                                         1964, Lettermen's Club:
                                 Carl Hillis, Kim Jones, Billy Speicher, John McLane


1964 Senior Homecoming Attendant
Janice Bergeson and Robert Cohoe

1964, Columbia Blues

1965, 1st Place, "Sink the Marauders", Class of 66

1965, WRHS Funeral Home-Cut Rates For Marauders

1964, Homecoming Royalty
Junior Attendant -Roberta Arviso, Queen: - Diane Rudeau, Senior Attendant - Janice Bergeson

1965, Spanish Club Float
Bobby Eddy &
Nela Meyers


1964-Homecoming-Columbia Blues, WRHS Marching Band


(Click on Pictures)