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Choir |

1965 Concert Choir
Mr. Norris Mills, Director

Girls Sextet
L to R: Sopranos: Pat McNary,
Susan Lee, 2nd Sopranos: Lydia Hubbard, Janis Lee, Altos: Nancy
Martin, Maxine Bergeson
Received first Highly
Superior award to Window Rock High School at Flagstaff Music Festival.
Sang: Lift Up Thine Eyes by Mendelson.


Amahl Cast Party
1st Row: ?, Pat
Mann, Sharon Ashcroft, Maxine Bergeson, Chuck McCammon, Joe
Tomlinson, Bobby Eddy, Janis Lee , Bunkie, Chester
2nd Row:
Georgia Ashley, Jim Robertson, ?, Ron Benally, Peggy Brady
Lydia Hubbard, Carl Hillis, Laura McCammon, Jeff Myers.

South Pacific

South Pacific
Susan Lee, Eldon McCabe, Janis Lee, Patricia
Mann, Lydia Hubbard, Sherry Hicks, Nancy Martin, Jim Robertson
Maxine Bergeson,
Pat, Pat Mann, Janice Bergeson, Jaylene Snow, Charlotte Goodluck, Lorene Wauneka
Rita Slinkey, Laura McCammon, Kathy Williams, Wanda Lopez, Linda Slinkey, Bunkie
Cynthia Sells, Margaret Cata, Carol Schubert, Leonard Robbins, Bill
Speicher, Carl Hillis, Dorthea Morgan, Ruth Dahozy
Fairy Wauneka, Marjorie
Chischilly, Louise Naswood, Evanelin Cadman, JoAnn Treat, Ann LaFave, Cynthia
Teresa Sells, Mike Nelson, John McLane, Vernon Cohoe, Georgia Ashley,
Linda Begay, Pauline Jones, Dinah Dahozy
Nellie Blackgoat, Cynthia Jones,
Teresa Natonabah, Matilda Anderson, Barbara Benett, Elouise Tsosie, Wayne Nez
Calvin Calusschee, Ronald Benally, Terry Morey, George Dennison, Tommy Atkinson,
Home Ashley, Althea Smith
Judy Kilgore, Mary Jo Beach, Ella Francisco, Kathleen
Williams, Carol Eddy, Murphy Fair, Terry Morey

1st Row: Beth Mayes, Isabel
Sam, Elvina Smith, Shirley Sells, Betty Ashley, Everett Benally, Joe
Matthews, Marye Lincoln, Janie Wall, Mary Savage
Patsy Sells, Anna Mae
Anderson, Leah Hubbard.
2nd Row: Emery Vincente, Louise
Gatewood, Charlene Begay, Carol Francisco, Jody Bluejacket, Jim Ogle,
Harry Bailey, David Folsom
Jay Phillips, Karen Krause, Margaret Nez,
Mary Showalter, Leona Morgan.
3rd Row: Janet Arviso, Shirley
Ashley, Marie Yazzie, Kenneth Ogle, Jack Mays, Bryce Dale, Marvin Shirley,
Johnny Tabaha
Kathy Savage, Vivien Collins, Alberta Damon.

Director: Glenn A. Hamblen
Junior High Chorus 1960

Front Row: ? , ? , Ernestine
Tsosie, Leah Hubbard, Patsy Dale, Linda Yazza, Elizabeth Becenti
2nd Row: Nancy Savage, Janeaen
French , ?, Esther King, Elsie Billie, Patsy Cowan, Nancy Martin
3rd Row: ?, Louise Naswood, ?,
?, ?, Pat McNary, Pat Mann, ?
Director: Glenn Hamblen
Concert Choir
Flagstaff Trip 1966

1970 - 1974